Famous phrases

Have you ever tried to coin a famous English phrase, only to find yourself lost in a sea of words? Crafting a memorable saying isn't easy, and neither is nailing its pronunciation. Learn from the best.

So, how I like to think about it is that, placebo effects, as they're traditionally construed are made up of three things.
The other showed, Hey, you know, stress has been linked to these things, but in fact, the body's stress response was designed to do this.
She has people fill out surveys about how often they procrastinate.
It can be painful, especially as we experience a flooding of thoughts and emotions that we're forced to sit with and not run away from.
Can you think of one courageous thing that you have seen someone do in your life that did not require vulnerability, that did not require uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure?
When I talk about it I usually pick business, because they make the best pictures that you can put in your presentation, and because it's the easiest sort of way to keep score.

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