Pronounce vs. italki: Choosing an English-Speaking Coach

For non-native speakers with hectic schedules or who are actively speaking already, the convenience of an Pronounce AI is hard to beat.
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Finding an English-speaking partner is a critical step in language learning. It's the bridge that connects your theoretical knowledge to practical application, allowing for real-time adjustments to your speaking, listening, and conversational skills. Traditionally, language exchange happened through pen pals and meetups; however, with the internet and technological advancements, new platforms have emerged, each with its own unique features to enhance these partnerships.

The speaker's level, fluency, and desired accent are typically the main considerations when seeking an English-speaking coach. Pronounce AI's speech coach and the italki tutor marketplace represent two contrasting platforms for this purpose. Each platform has its unique advantages and drawbacks, making it challenging to determine the best fit for your needs.

AI Speaking Partners on the Go with Pronounce

Pronounce's Unique Features

Pronounce is an AI-speaking partner for language learners, available 24/7. It integrates with over 25,000 apps and websites, making it a potentially more versatile choice for those who spend a lot of time online. Moreover, its feedback algorithm covers the most important aspects of speaking, like grammar and vocabulary, offering auto-generated advice to build a learner's confidence in their spoken English. Plus, every conversation is transcribed for  future reference, and you can even practice with multiple speaking partners.

The Convenience of AI

For non-native speakers with hectic schedules or who are actively speaking already, the convenience of an AI-speaking coach like Pronounce is hard to beat. It provides instant feedback and drills, allowing learners to practice at their own pace and time on vocabulary and industry terminology in use. It also pinpoints speaking issues, which users can then easily work on fixing. Receiving feedback confidentially from an AI helps prevent emotional strain that may arise from feedback at work provided by colleagues and managers.

Personal Touch with italki's Human Tutor Marketplace

Human Connection and Customization

italki, on the other hand, offers non-native speakers a human connection through a marketplace of language tutors. This personal touch can provide unique and tailored learning experiences. Unlike AI platforms, italki offers the rich and nuanced interactivity that comes from real human interaction, which can be invaluable when working on a specific accent or industry-specific language skills.

Navigating the Marketplace

While italki may take more time and effort to set up than an AI platform, its variety of tutors allows for more selection based on a learner's preferences like an English test preparation. However, for professionals seeking to improve their language skills within a certain field, the ability to find an industry-specific tutor can be limited.

Comparing the Two Platforms

Pronounce and italki both enhance speaking skills, yet they differ significantly. On the independent software review site Trustpilot, Pronounce is highly rated at 4.7/5, with users applauding its pronunciation and rephrasing suggestions, AI voices, and support for British and American accents. Following closely behind is italki, boasting a rating of 4.6/5, with users praising its diverse array of tutors and language options. Below is an in-depth look at the strengths of Pronounce and italki.

Pronounce focuses on American and British English

Pronounce is an English speech checker, making it accessible to a broad audience.  Its AI technology allows for learners to choose between American and British accents, with the option to switch between the two. This feature is a game-changer for those who wish to study or work in either country or simply prefer one accent over another.

Pronounce works with 25,000 apps and websites

Communicating across different windows or apps is a common hurdle while working or studying. Pronounce addresses voice capturing by giving you speech assistance right where you speak. It works in over 25,000 apps and websites, including Zoom, Google Meet, Slack, Teams, and Skype. English learners can check speech on various platforms without the need for extra tabs or windows.

Pronounce helps you put thoughts into words

Effective communication goes beyond just correct grammar; it's about articulating ideas in a manner that resonates with everyone. Pronounce goes beyond grammar to help your speech resonate with others. Its clarity, vocabulary, conciseness, and engagement suggestion help you get points across and win listeners over. These cues leverage a powerful combination of generative AI, machine learning, and input from expert linguists to ensure your speaking is consistently top-notch.

italki's diverse tutor marketplace for multiple languages

italki covers a vast array of languages. Marketplace features teachers for English, Spanish, Japanese, French, German, Chinese, Korean, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi, and other languages, you name it. Like other tutor marketplaces italki offers quizzes and tests.

italki's offers individual and group classes

italki prides itself on an "on-demand" model of tutoring, where learners have more flexibility in scheduling their lessons as well as choosing the format  that best suits their needs. You can choose to have individual 1-on-1 lessons or join group classes with other students who are at a similar level as you. This allows for a more personalized learning experience and the opportunity to practice speaking with others in a comfortable setting.

Quality Time over Quantity

While quality conversations with italki tutors can provide a depth of learning, like intricacies of English intonation, Pronounce ensures consistent and continuous improvement through frequent speech monitoring and spot-on practice, which is sometimes lacking in traditional tutoring sessions.

Tips for Choosing Your Perfect English Partner

When deciding between an AI-speaking partner or a human tutor, consider the following factors:

Learning Goals

If your primary objective is to improve your professional communication or general conversational skills, an AI partner might suffice. However, for niche language areas like articulation of difficult sounds, the personal guidance of a human tutor is unmatched.

Existing Proficiency

For those with intermediate or advanced skills, AI platforms can provide a broad analysis of hours of calls and find areas of improvement hard to spot in a limited tutor-led session. Beginner speakers may benefit more from personalized, structured sessions to start their language journey.

Scheduling Preferences

AI partners offer total freedom in speaking and practicing, while italki sessions may need to be coordinated with a human tutor's availability.

Budget Considerations

When it comes to cost, Pronounce can be more cost-effective, with subscription models starting at $12 per month, below the average human tutor's rate. Pronounce and similar platforms are often more budget friendly, while italki's human touch can command higher rates. Meanwhile, italki’s costs can vary greatly depending on the tutor's experience and type of class. The quality of the tutoring is usually varies as well.

Real World Experiences

User Testimonials

Receiving direct feedback from users can be invaluable. Pronounce users often praise its immediate guidance on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, while italki's learners appreciate the personalized approaches of their tutors and the fluid conversations they engage in.


Both AI and human English-speaking partners have their place in language learning. Each can help you paraphrase, correct mispronunciation, polish your American or British accent, weed out grammatical mistakes, and teach better sentence structure. AI platforms like Pronounce provide continuous monitoring and feedback, while platforms like italki offer personalized and dynamic sessions. For the best results, consider using both in tandem; the AI for daily structured feedback and practice and the human tutor for targeted development. Ultimately, your choice should align with your learning style, time commitment, and budget.

Your Speaking, at Its Best

By leveraging Pronounce's cutting-edge AI capabilities and supplementing it with engaging sessions on italki, language learners and professionals can ensure that their spoken English is continually improving. The right balance of technology and human interaction can transform your language learning experience, making you a more confident and fluent English speaker in no time. Choose the platform that best suits your needs, and start improving your English today.

Finding an English-speaking partner is a critical step in language learning. It's the bridge that connects your theoretical knowledge to practical application, allowing for real-time adjustments to your speaking, listening, and conversational skills. Traditionally, language exchange happened through pen pals and meetups; however, with the internet and technological advancements, new platforms have emerged, each with its own unique features to enhance these partnerships.

The speaker's level, fluency, and desired accent are typically the main considerations when seeking an English-speaking coach. Pronounce AI's speech coach and the italki tutor marketplace represent two contrasting platforms for this purpose. Each platform has its unique advantages and drawbacks, making it challenging to determine the best fit for your needs.

AI Speaking Partners on the Go with Pronounce

Pronounce's Unique Features

Pronounce is an AI-speaking partner for language learners, available 24/7. It integrates with over 25,000 apps and websites, making it a potentially more versatile choice for those who spend a lot of time online. Moreover, its feedback algorithm covers the most important aspects of speaking, like grammar and vocabulary, offering auto-generated advice to build a learner's confidence in their spoken English. Plus, every conversation is transcribed for  future reference, and you can even practice with multiple speaking partners.

The Convenience of AI

For non-native speakers with hectic schedules or who are actively speaking already, the convenience of an AI-speaking coach like Pronounce is hard to beat. It provides instant feedback and drills, allowing learners to practice at their own pace and time on vocabulary and industry terminology in use. It also pinpoints speaking issues, which users can then easily work on fixing. Receiving feedback confidentially from an AI helps prevent emotional strain that may arise from feedback at work provided by colleagues and managers.

Personal Touch with italki's Human Tutor Marketplace

Human Connection and Customization

italki, on the other hand, offers non-native speakers a human connection through a marketplace of language tutors. This personal touch can provide unique and tailored learning experiences. Unlike AI platforms, italki offers the rich and nuanced interactivity that comes from real human interaction, which can be invaluable when working on a specific accent or industry-specific language skills.

Navigating the Marketplace

While italki may take more time and effort to set up than an AI platform, its variety of tutors allows for more selection based on a learner's preferences like an English test preparation. However, for professionals seeking to improve their language skills within a certain field, the ability to find an industry-specific tutor can be limited.

Comparing the Two Platforms

Pronounce and italki both enhance speaking skills, yet they differ significantly. On the independent software review site Trustpilot, Pronounce is highly rated at 4.7/5, with users applauding its pronunciation and rephrasing suggestions, AI voices, and support for British and American accents. Following closely behind is italki, boasting a rating of 4.6/5, with users praising its diverse array of tutors and language options. Below is an in-depth look at the strengths of Pronounce and italki.

Pronounce focuses on American and British English

Pronounce is an English speech checker, making it accessible to a broad audience.  Its AI technology allows for learners to choose between American and British accents, with the option to switch between the two. This feature is a game-changer for those who wish to study or work in either country or simply prefer one accent over another.

Pronounce works with 25,000 apps and websites

Communicating across different windows or apps is a common hurdle while working or studying. Pronounce addresses voice capturing by giving you speech assistance right where you speak. It works in over 25,000 apps and websites, including Zoom, Google Meet, Slack, Teams, and Skype. English learners can check speech on various platforms without the need for extra tabs or windows.

Pronounce helps you put thoughts into words

Effective communication goes beyond just correct grammar; it's about articulating ideas in a manner that resonates with everyone. Pronounce goes beyond grammar to help your speech resonate with others. Its clarity, vocabulary, conciseness, and engagement suggestion help you get points across and win listeners over. These cues leverage a powerful combination of generative AI, machine learning, and input from expert linguists to ensure your speaking is consistently top-notch.

italki's diverse tutor marketplace for multiple languages

italki covers a vast array of languages. Marketplace features teachers for English, Spanish, Japanese, French, German, Chinese, Korean, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi, and other languages, you name it. Like other tutor marketplaces italki offers quizzes and tests.

italki's offers individual and group classes

italki prides itself on an "on-demand" model of tutoring, where learners have more flexibility in scheduling their lessons as well as choosing the format  that best suits their needs. You can choose to have individual 1-on-1 lessons or join group classes with other students who are at a similar level as you. This allows for a more personalized learning experience and the opportunity to practice speaking with others in a comfortable setting.

Quality Time over Quantity

While quality conversations with italki tutors can provide a depth of learning, like intricacies of English intonation, Pronounce ensures consistent and continuous improvement through frequent speech monitoring and spot-on practice, which is sometimes lacking in traditional tutoring sessions.

Tips for Choosing Your Perfect English Partner

When deciding between an AI-speaking partner or a human tutor, consider the following factors:

Learning Goals

If your primary objective is to improve your professional communication or general conversational skills, an AI partner might suffice. However, for niche language areas like articulation of difficult sounds, the personal guidance of a human tutor is unmatched.

Existing Proficiency

For those with intermediate or advanced skills, AI platforms can provide a broad analysis of hours of calls and find areas of improvement hard to spot in a limited tutor-led session. Beginner speakers may benefit more from personalized, structured sessions to start their language journey.

Scheduling Preferences

AI partners offer total freedom in speaking and practicing, while italki sessions may need to be coordinated with a human tutor's availability.

Budget Considerations

When it comes to cost, Pronounce can be more cost-effective, with subscription models starting at $12 per month, below the average human tutor's rate. Pronounce and similar platforms are often more budget friendly, while italki's human touch can command higher rates. Meanwhile, italki’s costs can vary greatly depending on the tutor's experience and type of class. The quality of the tutoring is usually varies as well.

Real World Experiences

User Testimonials

Receiving direct feedback from users can be invaluable. Pronounce users often praise its immediate guidance on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation, while italki's learners appreciate the personalized approaches of their tutors and the fluid conversations they engage in.


Both AI and human English-speaking partners have their place in language learning. Each can help you paraphrase, correct mispronunciation, polish your American or British accent, weed out grammatical mistakes, and teach better sentence structure. AI platforms like Pronounce provide continuous monitoring and feedback, while platforms like italki offer personalized and dynamic sessions. For the best results, consider using both in tandem; the AI for daily structured feedback and practice and the human tutor for targeted development. Ultimately, your choice should align with your learning style, time commitment, and budget.

Your Speaking, at Its Best

By leveraging Pronounce's cutting-edge AI capabilities and supplementing it with engaging sessions on italki, language learners and professionals can ensure that their spoken English is continually improving. The right balance of technology and human interaction can transform your language learning experience, making you a more confident and fluent English speaker in no time. Choose the platform that best suits your needs, and start improving your English today.


Can I use both AI and human English-speaking platforms together?
Absolutely! In fact, it is encouraged to get the best of both worlds.
What are the benefits of using a platform like Pronounce?
Pronounce offers immediate feedback and personalized guidance on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.
How can using AI technology improve my English speaking skills?
AI technology can help identify and correct mistakes in real-time, provide continuous practice opportunities, and offer personalized learning paths for improvement. Combined with human interaction, it can greatly enhance one's language learning experience.
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