How to pronounce


Knowing how to pronounce the English word "hubris" correctly is important for non-native speakers. Pronouncing this word correctly can help you better communicate in English.

To pronounce hubris, begin by saying the letter "h." Pronounce the letter "h" with a strong breath, using a soft, gentle sound. Next, move on to the letter "u." This letter should be pronounced with a short, drawn-out sound.

After the letter "u," comes the letter "b." To correctly pronounce this letter, say it with a sharp, crisp sound. Make sure to put emphasis on the "b" sound.

Following the letter "b," comes the letter "r." To pronounce this letter correctly, say it with a short and soft sound. After the letter "r," comes the letter "i." This letter should be pronounced with a long and drawn-out sound.

Finally, to finish the pronunciation of hubris, say the letter "s." This letter should be pronounced with a strong and confident sound.

To summarize, the pronunciation of hubris is as follows: "h-u-b-r-i-s." Remember to place emphasis on the letter "b" and make sure to pronounce each letter clearly and confidently.

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