Famous phrases

Have you ever tried to coin a famous English phrase, only to find yourself lost in a sea of words? Crafting a memorable saying isn't easy, and neither is nailing its pronunciation. Learn from the best.

And they ended up naming the company Warby Parker.
I wish I had a time machine, but I don't.
So as it turns out, our bodies really neurobiologically experience joy as vulnerability and threat, and we quiver.
If patients don't do the four weeks once they're already addicted, all they're experiencing is withdrawal, right?
And then the cool thing that I did also that year that was my mountain was I wrote my book, "I'm Judging You: The Do-Better Manual," And I had to own -- that whole writing thing now, right?
So let me unpack that a little more, you can be in the midst of it, or you could just be worried about something happening.

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