Famous phrases

Have you ever tried to coin a famous English phrase, only to find yourself lost in a sea of words? Crafting a memorable saying isn't easy, and neither is nailing its pronunciation. Learn from the best.

And then the most popular session is something I've done the last two years, and it's the last session where I try to distill observations, personal stories, and some research down to a series of best practices.
The increased supply and access to all kinds of reinforcing drugs and behaviors has really increased the vulnerability profile for all humans living in rich nations.
And I think what I've done recently, is to try to understand it scientifically, and more importantly, to figure out how can we do better with this, right?
There's a chance we're going to end up naked hitchhiking because this conference may manifest our trip here." I am going to talk about daring classrooms and what I believe courage looks like and is.
But generally people, at least in our culture in the West, have this view that, stress is debilitating, healthy foods are disgusting and depriving.
Dr. Crum is a tenured professor of psychology at Stanford university, and the founder and director of the Stanford Mind and Body Lab.

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