How to pronounce


To pronounce the word "personal," begin by saying the first syllable with a short "eh" sound, as in "let." Next, say the second syllable with a short "uh" sound, as in "but." Finally, end by saying the last syllable with an "uhl" sound, as in "hull." Put the syllables together and you get "per-son-al," with the stress on the first syllable.If you take a moment to practice saying the word out loud a few times, you'll soon have it down pat. Just remember to start with a short "eh," followed by a short "uh," and end with an "uhl" sound.Now that you know how to pronounce "personal," you can begin to use it in conversation with confidence.

Definition of


The word "personal" means something related to or belonging to a specific person, rather than to anyone else or to a group. It's about what's private or unique to an individual.

What does it mean


The word "personal" originates from the Latin "personalis," which means "pertaining to a person." This term is derived from "persona," referring to an individual's role or character, especially in a theatrical sense, but over time it came to be associated with the actual individual themselves. "Persona" itself has an interesting background; it may have originally meant "mask" or "disguise" in Latin, suggesting the roles people play.

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