How to pronounce


  • American Pronunciation: /sɪˈkeɪdəz/
    • Breakdown: sih-KAY-duhz
  • British Pronunciation: /sɪˈkɑːdəz/
    • Breakdown: sih-KAH-duhz

In both pronunciations, the emphasis is on the second syllable, which is pronounced with a long "a" sound, though the quality of this vowel sound differs slightly between the American and British versions.

Definition of


Cicadas (noun): winged insects with long transparent wings, large eyes, and prominent musical organs that produce a loud and distinct sound. Example 1: "I could hear the cicadas singing their summer song as I lounged in my backyard." Example 2: "The trees were buzzing with the sound of cicadas during their annual mating season." Example 3: "The cicadas emerged from their shells after spending years underground."

What does it mean


The word "cicada" comes from the Latin "cicada," meaning "tree cricket." The term entered English around the mid-14th century. The root word in Latin reflects the insect's habitat (often trees) and its noisy nature, which likely inspired the name. The consistent feature across languages and time has been the association with the distinctive, loud sound these insects make, which is impossible to ignore and has been noted in literature and common observation alike.

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